Plant Care Blog

Growing Herbs
An herb is any plant used whole or in part as an ingredient for health, flavor, or fragrance. Herbs can be used to make teas; perk up cooked foods such...
Growing Herbs
An herb is any plant used whole or in part as an ingredient for health, flavor, or fragrance. Herbs can be used to make teas; perk up cooked foods such...

Romance Series Cherries
Romance Series Dwarf CherriesThe University of Saskatchewan’s Dr. Bob Bors and Rick Sawatsky created and released a successful series of hardy dwarf sour cherries that can be grown in the...
Romance Series Cherries
Romance Series Dwarf CherriesThe University of Saskatchewan’s Dr. Bob Bors and Rick Sawatsky created and released a successful series of hardy dwarf sour cherries that can be grown in the...

Haskap Pollination
Haskap flowers are self-incompatible and a second compatible plant is needed for fruit production. As a general rule of thumb, you need one pollinizer plant for every 5 plants. It...
Haskap Pollination
Haskap flowers are self-incompatible and a second compatible plant is needed for fruit production. As a general rule of thumb, you need one pollinizer plant for every 5 plants. It...

Hanging Basket and Containers - Maintenance Tips
C & S Country Gardens offers a wide range of hanging baskets and containers in throughout our greenhouse and outdoor display areas. Our hanging baskets and containers have been planted...
Hanging Basket and Containers - Maintenance Tips
C & S Country Gardens offers a wide range of hanging baskets and containers in throughout our greenhouse and outdoor display areas. Our hanging baskets and containers have been planted...

How to Prevent Winter Damage
Plants need to build their food reserve for winter and in the absence of good soil conditions and balanced fertilizer use, plants become more prone to winter damage. With low...
How to Prevent Winter Damage
Plants need to build their food reserve for winter and in the absence of good soil conditions and balanced fertilizer use, plants become more prone to winter damage. With low...

Great Garden Photos in 4 Easy Steps
Great Garden Photos in 4 Easy Steps You’ve grown the neighborhood’s best-looking petunias. Now you want to capture the moment with a stylish picture. But all of your attempts don’t...
Great Garden Photos in 4 Easy Steps
Great Garden Photos in 4 Easy Steps You’ve grown the neighborhood’s best-looking petunias. Now you want to capture the moment with a stylish picture. But all of your attempts don’t...